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Life's movements are the ones that lead to happiness

Words don't always come easy, in fact sometimes is easier to speak as a kind of alter ego. Here is not my alter ego. It's the voice of my conscious.
Once I was told that in your mind you can act as you most like. There I'm an english speaker.
As I'm a girl I really don't know how is supposed a man to think, but I'm pretty sure that life is making me aware of that.
I'm not saying that I want to know exactly how it works cause mystery is what makes life interesting. However, there are some things that I'd like to understand.
We, women, are told to find our prince charming.
They, men, are told to rescue one princess.
So then, why is that this doesn't apply in real life?
Relationships are a mess nowadays; hetero, gays, porn, trans, loneliness, couples, friends with benefits, lies, weddings, whatever you want.
But when it comes to me there's nothing. Absolutely nothing.
He's there; I'm here. There's no contact, not even eye contact. I miss him, he misses me. I want him, he wants me.

Girl: "I was lucky to get his message the same day he arrived Buenos Aires, or at least that's what I thought. I was extremely surprised of that message, I wasn't waiting for that at all. So then I agree... "

Life's movements are the ones that lead to happiness.

Boy: "I'm gonna text her, maybe she's free. The worst thing that can happen is that she doesn't reply, but I don't mine. She's just fine. I can have fun a while with her and then go back home. She wants me, awesome! I'll invite her home, I wanna fuck her. But not today, maybe tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow..."

Knowing half of the situation leads to suppositions.

Girl's though: "If he told me so, why isn't he texting me now? We both want it God damn it! He's just chicken out, a coward, like almost every guy on this damn planet. Fuck off, he's with other girl or even worse he's with his girlfriend! They want the best of both worlds, that's not fair. Pussy!"